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Board of Selectmen Minutes -- 09/24/2015
Selectmen’s Board Meeting
September 24, 2015
Present:        John Allen, Chairman; Bob Thompson and Bill Lockard, Selectmen

Visitors:       Town Office Administrator Julie Atwell, Police Chief Doug Jette, Building Inspector Kevin Bennett, Town Clerk Karen Burton, Videographer Hank Benesh, Bea Davis, Bob Davis, Stan Weiss, George Howard, Martha Benesh

Chairman John Allen called the meeting to order at 4:31 p.m.

  • Amend & approve minutes
  • Selectmen’s Meeting – September 10, 2015  The minutes were approved as amended.
  • Update on September 10, 2015 Action Items
  • Double Head Parking  The Board continues to work on this; a response was received from Andrew Beal regarding a potential change; there is a concern about liability but there is an RSA that protects people for allowing others to use their property without fear of liability.  The Forest Service has also been asked for input; this is moving forward, however slowly.
  • Milton Transfer Station and Littleton Transfer Station  Selectman Thompson has had a series of informative conversations with Brian Patnoe at the Littleton Transfer Station; there is a big difference in the set-ups between Littleton and Lancaster; he will try again on Monday to reach Milton.  Brian feels getting a set of scales would be in Jackson’s best interest.  Balers were also discussed; Littleton has horizontal balers while Lancaster has vertical balers which are a lower cost; he’ll have more after he visits these Transfer Stations.
  • Diesel Quotes  Three quotes were requested; two were received; White Mountain Oil is $2.19 while Lyman has one price for December through March of $2.25 with April through November at $1.965.  Selectman Lockard, seconded by Selectman Thompson, made a motion to continue Jackson’s contract with White Mountain Oil and Propane.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • Grant Funded Opportunities for Recycling  Office staff continue to work on this.   
  • Upcoming Selectmen’s Meeting dates  October’s meeting dates are the 8th and 22nd at 4:30.  The November meetings are proposed for November 12th at 4 p.m. with the Highway & Fire Budget Work Session to follow at 5 and the Monday the 23rd at 4:30 p.m.  Other proposed dates are as follows:  Thursday December 10th at 4:30 p.m. with Budget Hearing #1 to follow at 5:30.  Monday December 21st at 4:30 p.m. with Budget Hearing #2 to follow at 5:30.  Thursday January 14th and 28th at 4:30.
  • Schedule Meeting with Bartlett  Jackson is waiting on a response from Bartlett regarding a time for this; they have suggested a couple of different dates.  
  • Health Insurance Update – Bill Lockard  Selectman Lockard noted health insurance is increasing dramatically and Jackson is looking at this again this year in an effort to prepare for these increases.  One issue is the Cadillac tax which is applied to plans that exceed what the government feels is necessary.  The tax was designed to fund Omabacare and it’s unlikely to go away.  He reviewed information which he provided in handouts and charts.  The town has to work to bring down this tax while taking care of its employees or down the road the taxpayers are going to complain about the way taxes have increased so much that they want to get rid of employee benefits.  The Board is trying to figure out a way to work with this; its purpose is not to punish employees but the Board has to reduce the town’s exposure.
  • Police Report  Chief Jette reviewed Department activities since the last meeting; there was one assault downtown and one house was broken into; this home is way off the grid so they are investigating a break-in that could be a month old.  He’s reiterating the Neighbor Watching Neighbor attitude will help.  He provided the copies of the proposed Open Container Ordinance along with the documents he utilized in creating it.   Chief Jette noted in prior meetings he has discussed signage placed in the memorial triangle by the school; this week there were advertisements for Eagle Mountain’s sale; but in the past there has been political signage there.  That signage should not be there; does the Board want the Police to handle this?  The Board agrees it had previously approved Police action to remove signage.  Selectman Thompson urged Chief Jette to contact businesses that may have gotten used to putting their signs out there.  While looking at parking issues recently, Chief Jette has found that the fine schedule for parking citations is out of date; they aren’t providing a deterrent.  Jackson’s fines are about a third of the standard and he will adjust fines for more egregious violations, such as parking in front of a fire hydrant.  The authority to set fines rests with the Police but he’ll bring the adjusted figures to the Board prior to enacting them.  A recent memo was received from the FBI and the State Attorney General; it speaks about an increase in first response imposters who are coming on-scene in an effort to cause more damage.  Chief Jette plans to reach out to get a roster of people employed by local first responder agencies so he can meet them face-to-face.  By knowing these folks anyone different becomes an issue.  This is coming as a preemptive warning.        
  • Public Comment  Stan Weiss was unable to attend the last meeting but he watched the tape; he doesn’t understand the Board not allowing the Building Inspector to respond to issues brought to him anonymously.  Chairman Allen noted the Board is concerned about “tit-for-tat” complaints.  Stan wondered why the Board would care about the motivation when it should care about the violation.  The IRS seeks out people to give anonymous tips; they don’t ask about the motivation they just want to find violators.  There are lines that provide anonymity to reporters about drugs.  So this is a divorced couple with one person reporting that there is construction being done without a building permit; doesn’t the town really care that there is construction without a permit?  He doesn’t believe acting on these reports puts the town in a libelous situation; government bodies are exempt from libel or slander.  He thinks the Board probably meant slander; libel is published; the Building Inspector would have to report the violation to a third party.  There is no intent to be defamatory; there is no liability for the town.  If Stan sees his neighbor is constructing without a permit he is not going to come in and sign his name to a complaint; he’d want to do it anonymously.  Selectman Lockard disagrees; he thinks Stan should have the humanity to sign the complaint however Stan noted he has to live with his neighbor.  Selectman Thompson would like to remind everyone that this is the Public Comment portion of the Board of Selectmen’s meeting and the Board takes any and all comments.  This is not an opportunity to come in and start a discussion that is not on the agenda.  Any citizen can call and put an item on the agenda; the Board invites that as well as inviting comments after almost every item.  The Board has had no opportunity to prepare for this topic and is not going to engage in discussion.  Stan wondered if this means his concern isn’t a public comment; Selectman Thompson noted it is a public comment and this is Public Comment; it is not question and answer time; there will be no response from the Selectmen.  The appropriate way to do this is to put this on the agenda; Stan can put it on for the next meeting.  Stan is also wondering whether this same policy (of requiring a written complaint) applies to other town Departments.  If someone calls in to the Police Department anonymously is Chief Jette not allowed to pursue the complaint as it is anonymous?  Stan wants this on an agenda when Selectman Thompson is in attendance.  Martha Benesh was reading the North Conway paper’s supplement which speaks about the waterfalls in Jackson; including that it’s a nice place for a picnic lunch or cocktails.  She’s concerned about this; her concern is not whether we can or can’t (drink) but inviting people to come drink at a swimming place.  She was a lifeguard; you don’t have glass containers at a swimming hole; not to mention wedding parties where folks might drink too much then get out on slippery rocks.  Maybe it is time for a note to the Conway Daily Sun that this is not part of our values.  Selectman Lockard agrees with Martha.  Chairman Allen feels the glass is a big issue; he doesn’t mind the alcohol.  Martha’s concern is the inviting part.  
  • Building Inspector
  • Weekly Report – Kevin Bennett  Inspector Bennett is unable to attend tonight; Chairman Allen reviewed the report; it’s been a busy couple of weeks.  
  • Building Permit 2015000040 Map V09 Lot 31 – (Owner – Town of Jackson – 58 Main Street – Bathroom Remodel
  • Building Permit 2015000041 Map V02 Lot 19 – (Owner – MHT Jackson/Marion LLC – 137 Black Mountain Road) – Extend Building Permit 20140047
  • Building Permit 2015000042 Map V05 Lot 36 – (Owner – Rhodes – 95 Whitney Hill Loop) – Extend permit #2014000046
  • Building Permit 2015000043 Map V09 Lot 19 – (Owner – Skimos Ski Club – 90 Main Street) – New Skimos Club Sign
  • Building Permit 2015000044 Map R17 Lot 31A – (Owner – Fabrizio – 35U01 East Field Road) – Replace Existing Deck
  • Building Permit 2015000045 Map V03 Lot 02 – (Owner – Eagle Mountain House – 179 Carter Notch Road) – New concrete slab for tent with electrical outlet and lights.  Golf cart charging stations and Tesla
  • Building Permit 2015000046 Map V14 Lot 23 – (Owner – Tompkins – 181 Thorn Hill Road) – Construct 32’ x 32’ detached garage
  • Building Permit 2015000047 Map V02 Lot 26 – (Owner – Yurkovetsiy – 40 Valley Cross Road) – Add 20’ x 24’ addition; 1 bedroom / 1 bath on 1st floor and 1 bedroom / 1 bath on second floor
  • New Business
  • Avitar Maintenance Agreement – Signatures Required  This is the three year Agreement for map updates and assorted uses for assessing.  Martha noted a couple of years ago the Board had talked about Avitar maps that had the contours as part of the contract; since we are talking about steep slopes; we need the contour lines.  Martha wants to know if that is part of the contract or if it would be extra money.   Town Office Administrator Atwell will find out.  The total cost of the contract is seven thousand twenty dollars or an annual cost of two thousand three hundred forty dollars.  Selectman Thompson, seconded by Selectman Lockard, made a motion to sign the Avitar Maintenance Agreement.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • Cemetery Lot Agreement – Signatures Required  Selectman Thompson, seconded by Selectman Lockard, made a motion to authorize the Dundee Cemetery Lot Agreement.  The motion passed unanimously.
  • Transfer Station Memo from Jon Edgerly – FYI  Transfer Station Manager Edgerly submitted a memo regarding changes in the recycling market.  The more sorting; the better the value and to move forward means more sorting with a full baling operation; it would cost five hundred thousand dollars to put this plan in place.  
  • Highway Report (added)  Chairman Allen reviewed the Road Agent’s report; the state aid highway paving project is completed; summer projects have been completed; ditching and rock removal continues as they prepare for paving next year.  Shoulder repairs continue throughout the year; heavy downpours are destructive to the shoulders and there have been a number of them recently.
  • Emergency Management Grant (added)  Chairman Allen noted this is a grant the town hopes to get for updating its Emergency Management Plan.  Selectman Lockard, seconded by Selectman Thompson, made the motion that the town of Jackson Board of Selectmen, in a majority vote, accepted the terms of the Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) as presented in the amount of $3,500 for the development of the LEOP.  Furthermore, the Board acknowledges that the total cost of this project will be $7,000, in which the Town will be responsible for a 50% match ($3,500). The motion passed unanimously.
  • Old Business
  • Assistant to Town Clerk/Tax Collector  Selectman Lockard noted the Board had discussed having back-up for the Tax Office.  Town Clerk/Tax Collector Burton noted Deanna Amaral has agreed to work for Jackson as needed.  She is the Town Clerk/Tax Collector from Effingham so she is trained and her background check is all set.  Her rate will be similar to what Linda was paid.  
  • Public Comment  Bea has heard a rumor that someone wants to be a full time Fire Chief.  Chairman Allen has heard some grumbling about it and will be meeting with Fire Chief/Road Agent Henry next week; nothing is cast in stone.  It is Bea’s hope that this doesn’t happen.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:28 p.m.
                                Respectfully submitted by:      

                                        Martha D. Tobin

                                        Recording Secretary